Contemporary IMprovisation

with Mark Enache


Contemporary Improvisation

with Mark Enache

Saturdays 12pm–1pm

Rate: $15–$25 sliding scale

Class Description:

Starting with a Gaga-inspired warmup that focuses on releasing tension and building alignment, we then move into exercises from a variety of modern and post-modern modalities, building a shared movement language that you can then use in the final freestyle rounds. 

Participants are encouraged to prioritize their body’s needs first & foremost, and while mental & physical effort is definitely required, and you should expect to be a little uncomfortable at times, you control the intensity. But I believe deeply in mixing pleasure and effort, so if I do my job right, I make the whole thing fun!

Common themes include: building strength and stability in the joints, improving nervous resilience, increasing skin sensitivity, intuitively following the body’s impulses, building your catalog of gestures, training musicality from the inside-out, accessing and expressing meaningful emotion, etc. 

This class is open level and include improvisation and some light choreography. While you don't need to be a professional contemporary dancer—or even be actively dancing—some experience as a dancer is needed to be able to drop in and get the most out of this class.

The final round(s) of freestyle are recorded, mainly to share with the class so you can track your progress, but sometimes also to cut short clips for social media share. Feel free to step out at this point and just watch if you prefer; you can learn just as much by watching as by doing!

Hope to see you soon
 +1 908.405.8916


NOTE: this program is independent of Studio A Dance, please contact Mark directly